Your Co-Creation Team

Your engagement with us will be guided by our team of world class faculty, who are authors, thought leaders and explorers of leadership, culture, transformation and mastery. For our work to be grounded and practical, we strive to live what we teach in our own journeys of transformation. We have studied, worked with and been inspired by industry pioneers such as: Gita Bellin, Otto Sharmer, Ronald Heifetz, Bob Kegan, Tal Ben-Shahar, Peter Senge, Steven Covey, Frederick Laloux, Wendy Palmer, Amy Edmonson and many many more wonderful beings.

Who We Are

Integrating Heart, Mind and Soul in Leadership

Integrate the Soul and Persona as One.

Our Vision

Facilitate transformation of human consciousness from Fear to Love.

Our Mission

We exist to Facilitate the expansion of Human Consciousness to enable the highest expression of Divine Creation by every irreplaceable human being on this plane.

Our Purpose

Our Values

  • Create Trust

  • Collaborate Freely

  • Live Excellence

  • Be Compassionate