
Our Approach

There are many domains of coaching. Exelli has chosen to focus on three, namely:

  1. Transformational Coaching – Focusing on expansion of consciousness

  2. Executive Coaching – Focusing on executive readiness and effectiveness

  3. Performance Coaching – Focusing on achievement and motivation

When engaging in coaching with us, it is likely that your coaching journey will touch on all three, and the three are also overlapping.

“ We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them“

Albert Einstein

Transformational Coaching

Before starting a transformation journey with a coach, make sure you are ready for a new experience. When we experience transformation of consciousness, we shift the world we experience and respond to, in turn shifting the field of life itself.

Working 1-on-1 to explore the magic of life is a precious gift for both Coach and Coachee.

It is an intimate co-created experience of;

  • The emergence of new Possibilities;

  • Unfolding Possibilities into Probabilities, and;

  • Manifesting Probabilities into Actuality.

Our coaches are vulnerable, open, giving and share their life stories and insights along with you. Having walked the path, they guide you to find your path and hold you gently in the space of ‘letting go’ and ‘letting come’.

They hold you Accountable to your commitments and celebrate your Greatness.

It’s about becoming YOU.

“ More fundamental than energy, matter, time and space is Consciousness “

Max Planck - founder of Quantum Theory

Executive Coaching

Transitioning into the role of being a C-Suite member and successfully creating a thriving system is no minor challenge. As a senior executive of an organization with high aspiration, you will be faced with a myriad of competing commitments and choices of seeming paradoxical nature.

From navigating stakeholders' interests, to being an inspiring visionary, to creating realistic strategies to make market impact, to creating and growing a thriving culture, to facing financial constraints, to building effective and encouraging systems that stimulate the culture you need. That is just the beginning…

For your organization to thrive it needs to be anchored in a genuine purpose and creative meaning for all its members. A successful organization ultimately serve a future that coming generations will celebrate. Leaders who have the courage to embrace such aspirations, are likely to have the humility to engage all help available to be, know and do their best. One such puzzle piece, is engaging an executive coach.

Integrated leaders focus on Performance and Health of the organization with equal rigor.

“ If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader. “

— John Quincy Adams

Performance Coaching

To us, performance coaching means to help individuals and teams maximize the performance by unlocking their innate potential, grow necessary skills and find sustained motivation. This requires ability to set meaningful goals, honestly assess current state or ability and exploring strategies, options, motivational drivers for the individual to access their innate drivers.

A high performing individual is able to tap into a wealth of internal resources and self-efficacy. To build this inner strength, your coach may guide you to explore your Purpose, define and hone the skills you need to Master, and challenge you to own your greatness and sense of Autonomy.

We welcome you to discover your Greatness.

“ Whether you think you can, or think you cannot, you are right “

Henry Ford