Sriram Kalyanaraman


I am most passionate about deep inner healing and transformation, that allows a full honouring and deployment of our gifts and strengths at will in any given situation. I coach senior leaders on holding a field of possibility, co-creation and compassion at all time. I facilitate multi-year leadership journeys for top teams. I also teach courses for college students on happiness, habits and success. Lately, I'm learning to write and share my writings with the world.

I listen, ask rich questions and help people find strength and clarity. My approach is deeply human-centred and acknowledges our honest inner reality as we scale the peaks and troughs of life.

I am love. I am all that I love. I love being with family. I love lying on my partner's lap, staring at the open sky. I love nature. I love travel and stories, as told in books, on screen or by people in real life. I love drinking from the Ocean of Knowledge.